First, to my Mom - I Love You and thank you for making me the woman I am today.
Second, to my daugher Corine - you have three beautiful children and I love them all so much.
Third, to my daughter Marchelle - you can't see your child yet, and you can't feel your child yet, but you can hear your child and to you, I say, Happy 1st Mother's Day. I am looking foward to meeting my new grandbaby.
Fourth, to my step-Mom, my mother-in-laws - you are all inspirational to me. You too have help me to be the woman I am today and I thank you for believing in me and supporting me.
Fifth - to the rest of my extended family and friends, Happy Mother's day to you, I hope your day was great.
My day was hectic. First, I woke up at 230 am to Scout being downstairs drinking water and her tags hitting her dog dishes. It was like an alarm clock going off that I couldn't shut off. My first thought was that she was going to get sick b/c alot of times when she drinks too much she throws up. So down the stairs I went to let her outside. Well, by that time I was wide awake, so I turned the coffee pot on and stayed up. I did lay down on the couch around 5 am for about an hour till I heard Jamie stirring.
We took showers and off to breakfast where we met my long-time friend Robin, two of her boys, Tyler, Todd and his wife Julie and our other friend Jen, her husband Frank and their daughter Anna. We had a great breakfast and lots of laughs.
When we left there, Jamie and I went to BJ's, Lowes, the car wash, and the flower shop. Off to home we headed and when I opened the door, Jeana was standing there! What a surprise!! Her car wasn't in the driveway which is why I didn't know she was there. She drove home from Buffalo with a friend of hers to surprise me. But, the surprise was on her b/c our chore for the day was to take down 4 dead pine trees!!
We did get down 3 of the 4 tees. Let me tell you how tired and sore I am!! I coudn't even think of cooking dinner so we bought and Jeana went and picked-up Chinese. It was good!
I am exhausted and it's just after 8pm and I'm ready for bed!
Too all the Moms,
I hope you had a great day!