I had a great week. So many family members here. It all started last Saturday when Benny and his friends arrived early in the morning. I cooked breakfast for them, they showered and the day started. We also went over to my cousins house (on Jamie's side of the family) for a pre-4th of July picnic. On Sunday, Bob and Shirley came over to Chris and Randy's and Mark, Tommy and Danny flew in. Sunday evening brought Jamie and Jess in.
On Monday some of the family gathered at our house. The plan was for Chris and I to prepare for the birthday bash on Tuesday - that never happened. What did happen is that we had a ball! We played badmiton, the washer game, horseshoes, ate and drank, built a fire and just had a plain damn good time!
Tuesday was the birthday bash! It was great! Bob and Shirley came over early and was able to have a nice visit with Jamie and Jess before all the guests arrived. The deck held up - LOL. All the cousins came over, Jamie's brother and sisters were there, as were other family members and friends. I think everyone had a good time. I was so proud to have my family see all the work we have done. We sure did eat and drink alot! The only bad part was that Benny had to leave to go back to NC but at least he got to see Granpappy and Grandma Miller.
Wednesday we kind-of recouperated while Mark and the boys went and visited with Sally and Grandma Seavey. But when they got back.....the party started all over again!
On Thursday, Bob and Shirley invited us all out to lunch before they headed back to AZ. Chris, Mark and the boys went and visited with Gail and David for the afternoon. By dinner time we were all gathering on the Miller's deck again! Jamie and Jess' friends come over and it was good to see some familiar friends of theirs. Chinese food was on the menu this night!
Friday was the day for Mark and the boys to return to FL. I cooked them breakfast, they showered and it was off to the airport. I sure do miss them already. We definitley do not spend enough time with them.
Tonight, Jamie and Jess have gone to visit thier Aunts and Uncles on his Mom's side of the family. We were invited and would have loved to go but Jamie was exhausted! All the late nights and early rises to go into work caught up with him. Matter of fact, while I'm writing this, he's fast asleep on the couch! LOL
Jamie and Jess leave Sunday morning so we get one more day with them. We'll make the most of it. We won't see them again till we go down in January to see the new baby. Jess looks great! She hasn't started showing yet. But, I remember 3 weeks ago Marchelle wasn't showing either (or barely anyway). One thing I find comical is that both girls are craving lemonade!! Could this be a girl for the both of them????
Well here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure....