Happy New Year everyone!
How fast time flies. I can't believe it is January 6th already. I hope your holidays were fun and special and many memories were made. Mine was great. Our vacation to NC was fun and hectic (as always!). Jamie and I headed down the Friday before Christmas and we drove in pouring rain for 12 hours. Not the best type of travel weather, however, no snow - so all was good! The only thing that was bad is my forgetting to bring the camera - can you believe that one!!
Jodi and Rich came up from Tampa on Saturday and Jeana flew in from TX on Christmas Eve. It was the best I think we ever had. It was 70, the sun was shining and we were all together. Benny bought a pork butt and smoked it in a cooker, chopping small pieces of wood all day to keep it going. It was so good. We stayed outside all day and had alot of refreshments! The kids played, we laughed, a couple of Corine and Mike's friends stopped by and we just had alot of fun. The mood was perfect. The only thing that could've made it better was if Jamie and the kids could've been there.
Christmas Day was fun as we sat around and watched the wonder and amazement of the kids opening their gifts, and believe me, they had more than enough. Alyssa is still too small to really realize how fun Christmas is and was happy with the first present she opened. The hat and mittens that Jeana bought here was SO cute.
Two of the best moments was when a present started ringing and Taylor happened to be sitting next to it. She couldn't figure it out. Everyone encourage her to open it and she almost fainted right there. Corine and Mike had gotten her a firefly phone (she can only call Mommy, Daddy and 911) but she thought she was in 7th heaven. The other great moment was when Michael opened one of his gifts from Jodi and Richard and it was a military outfit.
Picture this.....a 4-year boy in his shirt from the night before and his boxer briefs with a military vest and hat and his binoculars - you had to be there but he was thrilled with this present. He is absolutely into the military look.
Jacob was just as cute as ever in his "My First Christmas" outfits that Marchelle and Tyler had him dressed up in.
I don't have many pictures but I'll share a couple that I do have.