Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring is arriving

I've seen the first signs of spring and it feels so good.

It thundered and lightening this past weekend. I got so excited to hear those sounds! And it's thundering and lightening right now and pouring rain! It's warm outside and the back door is open. YEAH!!!

I saw bugs flying in the air on my to work this morning. Jamie and I were standing on the deck talking tonight and we saw a bat! I can tell you that I've never been excited to see a bat before, but tonight it just seemed so good! On my way home, I swear I saw a robin. It was fast, came flying out of no where, but I swear I saw an orange breast as it quickly detoured back to the side of the road.

The temps are still fluctuating but we're on the upswing!!!

What I'm waiting for is the little bit of greenery you see on the bushes on the side of the road. I usually notice it driving on my way home. You see a tiny bit and your eyes are peeled to the side looking for another glimpse to make sure you saw right the first time. That's when this ol' girl gets happy. Spring is absolutely my favorite season. It will still be 2 more months before the leaves are all out but it's coming! I can't wait!

Happy Belated Birthdays!

Only belated on my blog! Happy 24th Birthday Jeana and Happy 29th Birthday Jamie! Love and miss you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jacob's First Portraits

Here's Jacob's first official portraits. He is too cute and that hair cracks me up!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Tyler (3/13)

Happy Birthday Tyler! Hope your first birthday as a Dad is great!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Greetings everyone! Wow, March already. Where is the time going? Seems like I just blogged but it was awhile ago! I haven't been as good as I used to be about writing. I get home from work and my mind seems like mush. I just don't want to do anything! I have, however, been trying to do better about exercising and eating better. I think that's part of my problem - not eating right and not being active. That's the bad part of being in a climate where it's cold. If you're not an winter outdoors person, you just get plain lazy! C'mon spring!!! Seems like everyone I talk to can't wait for the snow to melt and warm temperatures to rise. We really haven't had a "bad" winter - it didn't start to get bad till mid January but it's been extremely cold and windy and I've had enough.

The weather is supposed to be decent this week, if you call rain decent. But the temps will be in the 40's and 50's and the rain will all help to melt the snow so, to me, that's decent. Transition time! Yipee! I'm going to take the winter decorations off the porch and replace with some spring time looking decorations - positive thinking!

Well, here's to happy spring thoughts!