Spring. Mid-April. Nor'easter. Winter storm warning in effect. Up to a foot of snow expected. Flowers starting to bloom which will all die.
So far, April hasn't been a good month. It's not unusual, however, to have a storm in April but in the very beginning of the month - not the middle. I guess the only thing we can hope for is that the temps warm up quickly afterwards to melt it all. Not too fast or we'll have flooding but warmer will be nice.
I'm miserable - can you tell? It's not just me, talk to any New Yorker or northener for that matter. We're tired of cold and certainly do not want any more snow. Our windows have been closed since last September.
We want pool covers off, flowers blooming, patio furniture on the decks. I want to wear shorts and flip flops. I want to mow the grass.
Guess I should go get some cheese, huh?