Where did the summer go? It was here and then gone in a blink of an eye. I love summer! When September comes it's so sad. You can feel the change, smell the change. I have started to see the changes already. More leaves are beginning to fall - just a few - but you know what's coming. The other day on my way home from work, there was a small tree and it was all red!! Not fair! August with a red tree - I do believe that's suppose to happen more towards the end of September and beginning of October! Yesterday I noticed there was shade on the pool from the tree during the middle of the day. Normally, the pool is in the sun all day - just another sign that the sun isn't as high in the sky now. We have more and more birds visiting the birdfeeder every day. They're all eating like crazy getting ready for winter.
School sports have begun. We live so close to the school, that you can see the lights and hear the announcements from our deck. Actually, we've heard the kids practicing all through August - another sure sign of things to come!
Nights are getting colder. This morning it was 47. Once the sun goes down at night, it sure gets chilly quick. Good times for fires in the pit.
Time to start thinking of covering the pool. We will wait till the last possible moment to do that, although once the leaves start falling we really do need to cover it so they don't all go the bottom cause that just means Jamie has to get in the pool in the spring to get them out!
It was a good summer. We started at Mexico Beach in the beginning of June, and ended with family visiting all throughout August. What a great summer!!