You've never seen this but this IS the BEST!!. Jamie and I were on our way home after picking up Taylor to spend a week with us during her summer vacation 2005. We got talking about dinosauers and Tay said she could draw a great picture of a dinosauer. Well, the competition began. I was driving. Taylor drew hers first and then it was Papa's turn. Of course, Papa didn't want to beat her so he did his best NOT to! You should've been there. Taylor was so serious in her drawing. When they were done drawing, they presented their pictures to me so I could cast the deciding vote - who do you think won? You had to be there, but I started laughing so hard that I had tears flowing (yes flowing) down my cheeks. Taylor was so serious sitting in the back seat waiting for my vote. I'm laughing now just refelecting on that moment. Of course, Tay won, but that is one of my best moments of my life!
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