Monday, February 27, 2006
It's Coming Along
The office is painted but looking at it today, it looks like it's going to need one more coat. Then it will be VERY bright in there. Forgot how bright a room can look in white. Jeana's room, the new "guest" room, is all primed. Hopefully these two rooms will get done this weekend and our bedroom complete this weekend. Ok - need some ideas for colors. White walls, light beige varigated carpet. I was thinking of making the office into a southwestern style. The guest room I'm having trouble with. Blues, reds? Feel free to help me out.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
A Plug for Moriah
As you've heard me over and over thanking Moriah for the wonderful pictures of my grandchildren, I wanted to do something for her. It's a small thing, but now you can see some of her and her partner's work. It's great! And if you live in NC, then you need to get your pictures done by them!
We Started!
The painting has begun! We have Jeana's room almost completely primed. The dry wall has been fixed and on Sunday we'll sand it and finish priming. The office has been all primed. We're starting the ceiling in the office tonight and tomorrow I'll run out and get some paint for the wall. I am determined to have one room finished on Sunday. I can't wait to see it done! I'm already trying to figure out how I want to rearrange the room - not that there's much in there to begin with. This is so fun! I want a new lamp in there too so I see some shopping in my future.
Newest Picture
Here is the most current picture of Taylor, Michael and Alyssa. This was taken a couple of days ago by Moriah. She does such a wonderful job and surprised me the other day when I went into her blog and she had this waiting for me. What a great start to a day. This is the picture that's going to go on my desk in my new office. I absolutely love it. I just wanted to get in my car and drive down there to hug and kiss them and Moriah too! I can't wait to see all the rest of the pictures but I'll probably be crying by the end of the CD. Now I just need to get Jamie to get me some pictures of the boys!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
What A Day
Today was a really busy day at work. It started out "normal" enough but as the day wore on it got busier and busier. Phone ringing off the hook, calls that had to be made, calendar scheduling and rescheduling and rescheduling, emails to handle, arrangements to be made and on top of that, deal with all the whiners! Do you want some cheese????
Sometimes it is hard to believe I work with adults. They act so childesh and for smart people, I would just like to tell them if they got their head out of their butt long enough, they might actually figure out an answer on their own. Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure I'm one of those people too sometimes, but I just wonder about it all.
It's funny how sometimes your personality clashes with other people. A person can come up and ask you a question and you're fine with it and another person comes up and can ask the same thing and you're instantly upset with them. I don't know why that is.
Today we had all-in-one cable installed. This means that we have cable, phone and our ISP all through the same company. Cable claims we will save about $75 dollars a month between all our bills. I'll be watching it closely.
Corine also sent pictures of the kids. I can't believe how big the baby is already. Aly is really filling out and looks like she's getting long. Taylor looked a little sad to me and Michael, well Bubba always looks the same. Always smiling with that hint of "devil" in him.
That's it for tonight - tomorrow is a new day and new attitudes!
Sometimes it is hard to believe I work with adults. They act so childesh and for smart people, I would just like to tell them if they got their head out of their butt long enough, they might actually figure out an answer on their own. Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure I'm one of those people too sometimes, but I just wonder about it all.
It's funny how sometimes your personality clashes with other people. A person can come up and ask you a question and you're fine with it and another person comes up and can ask the same thing and you're instantly upset with them. I don't know why that is.
Today we had all-in-one cable installed. This means that we have cable, phone and our ISP all through the same company. Cable claims we will save about $75 dollars a month between all our bills. I'll be watching it closely.
Corine also sent pictures of the kids. I can't believe how big the baby is already. Aly is really filling out and looks like she's getting long. Taylor looked a little sad to me and Michael, well Bubba always looks the same. Always smiling with that hint of "devil" in him.
That's it for tonight - tomorrow is a new day and new attitudes!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Rambling On
Jeana's room still needs to be prepped for painting but last night we bought all the ceiling paint. I've decided to do the whole upstairs in white. Right back to the basics. I've decided to do that because it really needs to be painted and with us working so much I figured it would cut down on all the cutting in. This way we can just paint and Jamie may actually let me help! Later when we've really thought about what colors we want, we can do some trim work and add to it. I can't do the ceilings (well, I could but being so short, I'd have to be on a step ladder or something and that drives me crazy trying to paint). So for now, I have to wait till Jamie gets that finished before I can start. I am really looking forward to some fresh paint! And I can't wait to start. Being that's it's getting towards the end of winter, I'm sick of being indoors. I need to do something and painting would do it for me right now.
Today it's really cold here. With the windchill it's -4. We don't have much snow which is really unusual for us but I'm not complaining. Ok, maybe some complaints on how cold it is. Brrr, just can't help but crank the heat. Jamie is always warm but even he hasn't complained about me turning the heat up.
I bought a new camera last weekend. It's a Kodak V-570 and it's the first camera with a dual lens. I am loving it. It's pretty simple to use yet has alot of features. I've just been taking shots around the house to play with it. I'm looking forward to taking some new pictures of my grandchildren. Now all I have to do is either get to NC or TX! Eventually, I'm going to purchase a printer dock.
I am really bored today. I'm in that slump where I want to do things and don't at the same time. I want to do spring cleaning but I know once we start painting, I'll be doing that, too, and I don't want to move things twice. I want to clean the carpets but I'd like to wait till the rooms are done.
So many things to do around the house this year. We really need new windows, a new roof and I'd like to get a new fridge and stove. All these things are original with the house and it'll be 17 years old this year. We'd also like to add the lower half of the deck. This is one thing we have always wanted. We love to spend our time outdoors in the summer and it's a pain in the butt for Jamie to always have to move the table and chairs to mow. I'm hoping we can do this. Last year my sister & brother-in-law added to their deck in the back and it's to die for. It really is beautiful and really inspires me to get ours done.
My father-in-law is doing a great job on his blog. He learned how to post pictures and his blog is growing. Keep it up Granpappy!
On my daughter's blog she has a story about how how you might be a redneck if you cleaned out your car with a leaf blower. This has to be one of the funniest stories. Can you imagine? The poor woman who got caught doing this is none other than her best friend across the street! Poor Moriah. Getting caught by your neighbor is one thing and to have it posted all over your blog is quite another! Good thing Moriah is such a fun loving person and loves to laugh AND can laugh at herself. Too many people cannot do that.
Here's a picture of my dog Scout. You've read about her previously in my blog. The most spoiled and loved dog!'s cookie time!! Isn't she so cute?
Today it's really cold here. With the windchill it's -4. We don't have much snow which is really unusual for us but I'm not complaining. Ok, maybe some complaints on how cold it is. Brrr, just can't help but crank the heat. Jamie is always warm but even he hasn't complained about me turning the heat up.
I bought a new camera last weekend. It's a Kodak V-570 and it's the first camera with a dual lens. I am loving it. It's pretty simple to use yet has alot of features. I've just been taking shots around the house to play with it. I'm looking forward to taking some new pictures of my grandchildren. Now all I have to do is either get to NC or TX! Eventually, I'm going to purchase a printer dock.
I am really bored today. I'm in that slump where I want to do things and don't at the same time. I want to do spring cleaning but I know once we start painting, I'll be doing that, too, and I don't want to move things twice. I want to clean the carpets but I'd like to wait till the rooms are done.
So many things to do around the house this year. We really need new windows, a new roof and I'd like to get a new fridge and stove. All these things are original with the house and it'll be 17 years old this year. We'd also like to add the lower half of the deck. This is one thing we have always wanted. We love to spend our time outdoors in the summer and it's a pain in the butt for Jamie to always have to move the table and chairs to mow. I'm hoping we can do this. Last year my sister & brother-in-law added to their deck in the back and it's to die for. It really is beautiful and really inspires me to get ours done.
My father-in-law is doing a great job on his blog. He learned how to post pictures and his blog is growing. Keep it up Granpappy!
On my daughter's blog she has a story about how how you might be a redneck if you cleaned out your car with a leaf blower. This has to be one of the funniest stories. Can you imagine? The poor woman who got caught doing this is none other than her best friend across the street! Poor Moriah. Getting caught by your neighbor is one thing and to have it posted all over your blog is quite another! Good thing Moriah is such a fun loving person and loves to laugh AND can laugh at herself. Too many people cannot do that.
Here's a picture of my dog Scout. You've read about her previously in my blog. The most spoiled and loved dog!'s cookie time!! Isn't she so cute?

Mark's Retiring!

Actually, this week was a busy week. Lots of things going on at work and I stayed late once or twice. Last night I went out and celebrated with friends from work.
Another co-worker, Mark, is retiring. Here I go again with the "where did the years go?" My God, how can so many years go by in a flash? Mark's a funny guy - a real practical joker. I can't ever remember talking to him without laughing at some point. That really is a key to life. You must laugh every day. All the "old timers" were there. Great friends, great laughs. Some of our co-workers from my old company were there. I haven't seen them in years and it was good to see some old friends.
This is really a great story. Mark has worked at the company for 36 years and I've known him for almost that long. His wife, Sue, is retiring on the same day and they plan on just having fun in their lives. I can't think of anything better. That's why we work right? To retire and have fun.
Congratulations Mark & Sue - enjoy retirement!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Happy 50th Birthday Al!!
Happy (Belated) Anniversary
Thursday, February 09, 2006
One Happy Steeler Fan!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Congratulations Bryan!

Bryan is in the Air Force and is shown here receiving a medal and an award for Airman of the Year. Congratulations Bryan! Alot of hard work over the years is rewarding you. Everyone that knows you is very proud of you and your accomplishements.
That cute little pooch on the end is Bryan's beloved dog Kato (isn't that picture too funny?)
My son Benny and Bryan were in the 822nd Security Forces together at Moody AFB in Valdosta, GA and served in the Iraq war March - August 2002.
Bryan's Mom, Janet, and I met online when our sons convinced us both to "reach out and touch each other". We talked on-line getting to know each other for a very long time before our boys were off to war. When the war started, we were in constant touch with each other. Janet's a wonderful woman and I love her dearly. We got each other through a difficult time and I know I was able to cope b/c I had her and she understood what we were going through. Finally, the word came that our boys were coming home and we decided we were going to be there for our boys when they stepped off the bus.
What a wonderful day that was in Valdosta, GA. We decided to meet at my hotel. I knew it was her. She stood staring at me and I stood staring at her. Janet? Sharon? Then we just went to each other and hugged. We had finally met. After talking online for over a year we were standing face to face.
The next day we arrived at Moody AFB and assembled in the area they set aside for relatives. We watched the sky for the plane to go over and we would know our sons were really back. It came, it landed and what seemed like hours, the buses rolled up with our fine men and women on them. Families cheered and waved flags. Everyone hollering and clapping and cheering and holding up signs so their loved one knew where to go. The doors opened up and they came running out scanning for their families. Tears flowed, hugs and kisses abounded. Our boys were home! We spent the rest of the day (and week) spoiling them with home cooking or taking them to restaurants and just plain loving them (like only Mom's can).
After a time, Bryan moved away to do other things in the AF (code of Mom's - we don't talk about what they do!). Benny decided that four years was enough for him and moved on. I'm happy to say that Bryan and Benny still keep in touch with each other. I love Bryan like my own son and I'm proud to say that he has taken his own initiative to stay in touch with me and keep me abreast of what he's doing.
Bryan, here's to you! I Love You, I'm proud of you and keep up all the good work.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Come Out Corine!
C'mon out of the closet Corine! LOL.
There really is a joke to this. My daughter and son-in-law, who recently bought new bedroom furniture had to temporarily put their computer in their walk-in closet. Their computer was in their bedroom until the new furniture took all the space up so the only place for the computer was in their large walk-in closet with an extension cord to a receptacle in the other room.
My husband and I are really ribbing them about being southern rednecks for that one!
Well Mike, I think you need an addition to the house!!
All in fun - we love you guys!
There really is a joke to this. My daughter and son-in-law, who recently bought new bedroom furniture had to temporarily put their computer in their walk-in closet. Their computer was in their bedroom until the new furniture took all the space up so the only place for the computer was in their large walk-in closet with an extension cord to a receptacle in the other room.
My husband and I are really ribbing them about being southern rednecks for that one!
Well Mike, I think you need an addition to the house!!
All in fun - we love you guys!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Jake

Happy 28th Birthday Jake!
Jake is the 2nd of 3 kids who turn 28 this year.
Jake is my nephew and a great guy. During the day he is lumberjack and by night he's a lover of music. I don't know anybody who knows more about music than Jake. He plays the guitar and drums and has played in various bands. He loves all kinds of music but blues are his favorite.
Hope you have a great day Jake! Love ya
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Superbowl Sunday

Here's a picture of my son Benny when he was a superbowl hopeful - LOL. He was 11 at the time and considered to be an older/lighter player. Which meant he was old for the team but was allowed to play on that team due to his size and weight (league rules). He stopped playing a few years after that and got into wrestling instead but when he was playing football he was quick and because he was so little was able to make some great moves and always scored at least one TD if not more during a game. Ahh, the good old days.
Enjoy your today and hopefully, your team wins!
Decorating Advice for Parents
Do not, I repeat, do not ever allow your kids to put stickers of the stars on the walls and ceilings. And, if you think it would be fun for them to use the paint that they can draw with on thier walls - think again. Be very careful when thinking about allowing them to do this. Why? Because someday you will want to redecorate the room and that's when the nightmare starts - believe me! I am just starting to redecorate one room now that the youngest has moved out and what I mess I have on my hands. I was finally able to peal all the stars off the walls - ruining my nails trying to do so. And trying to get that paint stuff off took some of the dry wall with it. I still have to get the ceiling done but that's going to have to wait till it's dark so I know where they all the stars are. It's impossible to see them during the day. Just a little piece of advice for those of you with young children.......
Saturday, February 04, 2006
White Squirrel
Friday, February 03, 2006
Yes, It's Friday Again!
Yeah! It's Friday again!! Woo Hoo! I just love Friday's. It starts right when you get out of bed and realize that, yes, today is Friday. Dress down Friday. I always wear jeans and a hoody to work. I can get away with that and it's my favorite. During the week, I wear jeans and blazers. You feel good right from the start because there's no thinking "what do I feel like wearing?" Doesn't even matter if you feel "fat" today, because today the big ol' sweatshirt comes out. The feeling lasts all day because you're so comfortable. Love it!
Today we had Superbowl Friday at work. It's a tradition that started years ago. Our department orders pizza and wings and everybody dresses in their favorite sports team. There were an awful lot of Steelers fans! I didn't see one person dressed in Seattle colors. We had 10 sheet pizzas and I can't even tell you how many wings and bottles of pop (that's soda for anybody south of NY) LOL, but there wasn't one morsel left!
I also toured our new admin building and it's really shaping up. I'm getting really excited to move. All the offices are now dry walled and the electrical work has started. One thing I found out is that my office is hard-walled. I thought it was going to be open so that was a surprise.
Enjoy your weekend - I know I will!
Today we had Superbowl Friday at work. It's a tradition that started years ago. Our department orders pizza and wings and everybody dresses in their favorite sports team. There were an awful lot of Steelers fans! I didn't see one person dressed in Seattle colors. We had 10 sheet pizzas and I can't even tell you how many wings and bottles of pop (that's soda for anybody south of NY) LOL, but there wasn't one morsel left!
I also toured our new admin building and it's really shaping up. I'm getting really excited to move. All the offices are now dry walled and the electrical work has started. One thing I found out is that my office is hard-walled. I thought it was going to be open so that was a surprise.
Enjoy your weekend - I know I will!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Why do people go into work sick? They just make other people sick.
Why do you seem to have bad hair days when you see lots of people and the one day you're not going to see anybody it turns out perfect?
Why is it that you can watch a show you hardly ever watch and decide to watch that particular show again and it's the same show you watched the first time?
Why do so many people think they can sing and try out for American Idol?
Why is it that Monday - Friday the alarm goes off and I don't want to get out of bed and the weekend comes and I wake up at the same time and can't fall back asleep?
Why does no-chip nailpolish still chip?
Why do the leaves have to fall off the trees in the winter?
Why do I live in NY?
Why do you seem to have bad hair days when you see lots of people and the one day you're not going to see anybody it turns out perfect?
Why is it that you can watch a show you hardly ever watch and decide to watch that particular show again and it's the same show you watched the first time?
Why do so many people think they can sing and try out for American Idol?
Why is it that Monday - Friday the alarm goes off and I don't want to get out of bed and the weekend comes and I wake up at the same time and can't fall back asleep?
Why does no-chip nailpolish still chip?
Why do the leaves have to fall off the trees in the winter?
Why do I live in NY?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Groundhog's Day - 2/2/06

Happy 28th Birthday Marchelle! ILY. Today is my oldest daughter's birthday. When she was little she used to tell everyone her birthday was a national holiday. Well, not really, but kind of. I mean, everyone does look to this day nationally to see if "P" Phil (I'm not going to even attempt to spell it) will see his shadow or not and if will Spring be close. So hear's to you M, live it up and have a wonderful day!
Wednesday and Friends
Today was a pretty good day. Not a great day but it was ok. It started out hectic at work and then slowly dwindled all day. My boss is out of town and it is sure evident when she's not in the office. I think it's great to have days like those. I was able to actually mingle with some of my co-workers - something that we don't get to do all the time. But the mood was right for reminiscing and I laughed so hard at some of the stories. Hard to believe I've spent 25 years of my life at the same place with pretty much the same people. It's like we all grew up together. When I sit and think about it, back in the early 80's the average age of the person working around me was probably about 25. I, myself, was only around 20 years of age. Imagine that - 25 year olds running a nuclear plant! Don't get me wrong, we still had the "old" folks there but hey... they were in their 30's, 40's and my God, practically dying 50's. And now, I am part of the "old" folks working there! It seems unbelievable that that much time has gone by. We're starting to get alot of young blood in there and it seems good to mentor "the kids" with the knowledge that you have so they can keep the plant running safely. After work some of us girls met with a couple of our recent retirees for dinner. It was great to see them and they were happy to see us. We filled them in on what was going on at work, had general conversation and, as always, had some good laughs. Hopefully we can do this a few times a year. I said in the beginning that it was an ok day, but really, it was a great day!