Bryan is in the Air Force and is shown here receiving a medal and an award for Airman of the Year. Congratulations Bryan! Alot of hard work over the years is rewarding you. Everyone that knows you is very proud of you and your accomplishements.
That cute little pooch on the end is Bryan's beloved dog Kato (isn't that picture too funny?)
My son Benny and Bryan were in the 822nd Security Forces together at Moody AFB in Valdosta, GA and served in the Iraq war March - August 2002.
Bryan's Mom, Janet, and I met online when our sons convinced us both to "reach out and touch each other". We talked on-line getting to know each other for a very long time before our boys were off to war. When the war started, we were in constant touch with each other. Janet's a wonderful woman and I love her dearly. We got each other through a difficult time and I know I was able to cope b/c I had her and she understood what we were going through. Finally, the word came that our boys were coming home and we decided we were going to be there for our boys when they stepped off the bus.
What a wonderful day that was in Valdosta, GA. We decided to meet at my hotel. I knew it was her. She stood staring at me and I stood staring at her. Janet? Sharon? Then we just went to each other and hugged. We had finally met. After talking online for over a year we were standing face to face.
The next day we arrived at Moody AFB and assembled in the area they set aside for relatives. We watched the sky for the plane to go over and we would know our sons were really back. It came, it landed and what seemed like hours, the buses rolled up with our fine men and women on them. Families cheered and waved flags. Everyone hollering and clapping and cheering and holding up signs so their loved one knew where to go. The doors opened up and they came running out scanning for their families. Tears flowed, hugs and kisses abounded. Our boys were home! We spent the rest of the day (and week) spoiling them with home cooking or taking them to restaurants and just plain loving them (like only Mom's can).
After a time, Bryan moved away to do other things in the AF (code of Mom's - we don't talk about what they do!). Benny decided that four years was enough for him and moved on. I'm happy to say that Bryan and Benny still keep in touch with each other. I love Bryan like my own son and I'm proud to say that he has taken his own initiative to stay in touch with me and keep me abreast of what he's doing.
Bryan, here's to you! I Love You, I'm proud of you and keep up all the good work.

1 comment:
Wow, I didn't know that he was still in the AF...Glad to see he is doing good. Thanks for posting this on your blog. I keep meaning to ask how Bryan is...
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