What a great time we had. Dad and Carol were sure surprised! We were all supposed to be at the restaurant at 5pm for the surprise. Our plane arrived on time but there were backups with getting the luggage and there were 3 flights in front of us. Finally after almost an hour, we got our luggage. Thanks to Marchelle and Tyler for picking us up. Off to the hotel we went where check-in seemed to take forever. We threw our luggage in the room and headed to the restaurant. We met Jodi and Rich outside and then all went in together.
I walked around the corner and saw my Dad and he just kept looking at me like "that looks like Sharon". He had the funniest look on his face and I didn't say anything. He just kept looking and then I raised my hand and said "Hey there Dad". He couldn't believe it. Then Carol spotted us and the tears flowed and they didn't stop till the last grandkid had been hugged and kissed. And it was great because we DIDN'T get there all at the same time. The surprises for them just coming and coming. Cheryl and I were standing together and we started to get nervous. Carol was crying so hard we thought "maybe we shouldn't have surprised them". Then we looked at other and started laughing! Sometimes the kid in you just never leaves. I felt like we were 10 again and getting into trouble for something.
It really was great. I saw Dennis and Michael and his wife Rachael whom I had never met, a wonderful woman. I saw Jeff and Suz and their kids Danny and Rachael (I had never met Suz or the kids). I met Cheryl's husband Dennis (what a great guy) and his kids Michelle and kids Kaylee and Michael (Bubba - another one!) and Matt. So many people, so many smiles and hugs and laughs.
Monday we all went to Disney. The best part was that we all got there when we wanted to and left when we wanted to and met up during the day at different times - some planned and some not. For that many people going to a park, I thought it turned out great. Everyone did what they wanted.
On Tuesday we had a cookout at the hotel. One of the reasons Cheryl picked this hotel was because they advertised BBQ pits at one of the pools with a play yard too. When she called to find out what pool they were at so we could secure our pit, she was told they took them all out. Now, if you know Cheryl, you know that she wasn't going to get booted by a hotel. No way in hell was she going to be out-done! Her and Dennis got in their car and promptly went to Walmart where they purchased two small charcoal grills! HA! She showed them!! We cooked out right outside of their suite (ok, thankfully they were on the 1st floor). We had a great day by the pool and cooked out and then had champagne and cake for dessert - what could be better? And the cakes were bride and groom bears! Too cute. I do believe Carol started crying again!!
Wednesday took us back to Disney at the MGM park. Again, we all went when we wanted to and came back when we wanted to. It was so HOT!! The saying goes that women perspire, they don't sweat but I can tell you that on this day...I was sweating! Wow! Wednesday night brought us saying goodbye to Dennis, Michael and Rachael who were planning on leaving Thursday morning.
Thursday morning it was Cheryl, Dennis, Michelle, Matt and the kids turn to leave. We sat at their suite while they packed everything up. Later, Dad/Carol, Jeff, Suz and the kids all did their thing while Jamie, Marchelle, Tyler and I stayed close to the pool.
Friday saw us having to leave but we didn't leave the weather behind. It followed us back to NY where it stay hot and humid for days.
We sure did miss those family members who couldn't be there but I hope that some day we can all get together again - somewhere - for a repeat performance. Cheryl and Dennis did a great job of getting us all together in the same place at the same time! It still amazes me that she was able to pull it off. AND, I can actually call Dad and Carol again now that I know I won't blow the surprise all to hell!!
Pictured here on top left is Cheryl and Dennis. Next to them is Dennis and Michael. Jeff and Suz are next with Suz, Dad and Carol after that. I'll put some more pictures on another entry.

1 comment:
Mom, everything looks like you had a great time. Sorry we could not come. I sure do miss ya...
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