Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Almost Time To Say Bon Voyage!

Today is Kathryn's birthday, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, Thursday is my brother's birthday but it's also the day that Kathryn and Larry leave on a 3-year tour of London. Kathryn is a Lt Cmdr in the Navy and is off to take over a post (she'd probably kill me to talk so civilian!). I don't see K too often, last time was on New Year's Eve but it's always nice to know she's "here". She'd really like Jamie and I to come to England at the end of the year, especially if she gets the promotion she's up for. If she does get it (and it's a tough crowd to pick from but I'm confident she'll get it), she wants her husband, Larry and I to be able to pin her. A very big honor indeed. I would love to go but I'm hesitant - I'm terrified of flying that far.


Granpappy said...

Go! Don't even think about, just go! You'll be sleeping most of the plane ride. And you'll have a grand old time!

Corine said...

Take the plunge!!! If not tell K I'll be there..I'll use your hard earned money!! ( LOL ) Go and have a great time!!